Night Rating


To fly at night, you add a night rating for an exhilarating experience. The air is calm and the view is fantastic! The Night Rating increases your flexibility, letting you continue your flight after dark, so you need not be grounded when the sun goes down


The Night Rating is available to private pilots flying airplanes, helicopters, balloons or gyrocopters. The course is a minimum of 20 hours of pilot flight time. There is no written examination or flight test. The flight time includes not less than:

  • 10 hours of night flying with not less than

    1. five hours of dual flight time, including two hours cross-country,

    2. five hours solo flight time, including 10 takeoffs, circuits and landings and

  • 10 hours dual instrument time of which not more than five hours may be instrument ground time. (Instrument time flown on the Private Pilot Course may be counted.)